One of the areas we did not examine in our article on the best electric fireplaces, was the matter of cost and as a corollary, energy efficiency. We address that here.
In areas that experience extremely cold winters, the crackle and warmth of a fireplace can be a very handy addition to a living room. Nonetheless, when most homeowners think of a fireplace, what comes into their mind is a natural gas burning or a wood burning fireplace. But there is another unique option: An electric fireplace!
Though not very common, electronic fireplaces are greener, safer, stylish and less expensive to run. For instance unlike a natural gas or a wood fireplace, an electric fireplace doesn’t really produce a burning flame. The flames that it produces are just light refracted in a 3-dimensional pattern which makes it very environment friendly.

This however doesn’t mean that it does not emit heat. According to Bobby Renner, chief scientist for USA’s best energy team, “It basically acts like a toaster and it has a coil that usually heats up. There can be a blower attached to it to help distribute the heat or it can radiate out naturally to warm the room.” Although he acknowledges that this is not enough to warm entire house, it can warm a 400-square foot room well.
And because there is no combustion, it also means there are no toxins or gases released. There is no build-up of nitrogen oxides, sulfur or other bacteria that cause bronchitis, asthma or wheezing. In addition with coils emitting the heat through electricity and blowers or fans distributing the heat, it means electric fireplaces are more energy efficient. All the energy produced is used, none is wasted. With that in mind, let’s now look at how much exactly it costs to run an electric fireplace:
Cost of running an electric fireplace
The exact cost of running this handy appliance of course will vary depending on the electricity rates in your location, your power usage and the type of fireplace you are using. But mainly most electric fireplaces run on 2 main modes: without heat or with heat.
Though the cost of running the two is considerably different, when running both the heat and the flame effect it is still relatively less expensive than running a natural gas or a wood fireplace.
How Much Does it Cost to Run an Electric Fireplace per Hour?
In short, running electric heaters on average cost between 8 to 23 cents/hour. This is a wide range because you can either run an electric fireplace with either heat and flames or just flames if you do not need the extra heat. The costs in no heat mode is usually between 3 and 5 cents per hour.
What does this mean?
If you set the heater to maximum, the appliance can use up to 23 cents per hour. But most people usually set the heater to cycle on and off and at about fifty or 60 percent usage, the unit will use about 11 cents per hour.
In summary, when the heater is off it can cost about 3 cents to 5 cents every hour. On average the cost of operating an electric fireplace is between $100 to about $300 compared to about $500 a year used to run a natural gas fireplace.
A simple mathematic equation that you can use to figure this out is: watts by hours per day by KWh rate. For instance a standard unit that operates at 1500 watts produces 5,1112 BTUs and it can heat up to 400 square units.
Read our article on the best electric fireplaces available today
So the watts here are 1,500 and if you plan on using the appliance for 6 hours per day you multiply 1,500 watts by 5.
Then next check your utility bill and find out the kWh rate charged in your area. Let’s say it is 0.15 for instance. The exact cost will be 1500 watts by 6hrs per day by 0.15 kWh which translates into $1.350 per day.
This is around 23 cents/hour and it is quite good considering that there is no ash removing, no chimney cleaning, no gas fumes and there is an easy to control fire. Moreover, you might be able to also lower the thermostat on your entire heating unit!
Bottom Line
Whether it is an electric wall mount unit, a free standing portable unit or an electric insert unit, electric fireplaces are considerably inexpensive to run. In addition when used as zone heaters they can save you a lot of cash on your central heating costs. What’s more is that they are restful, beautiful and an appealing room focal point.
Another big benefit of an electric fireplace is that you can use it anywhere in any home. It doesn’t matter whether the room has access or it allows you to install a real fireplace. It is also very easy to move with your fireplace to your next residence if you relocate, making it a very valuable investment that can go with anywhere you go!
Hopefully you enjoyed this article on the cost of running an electric fireplace.
The post How Much Does it Cost to Run an Electric Fireplace? appeared first on Space Heater Pro.
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