What is an Electric Fireplace?

Electric fireplaces can be installed where you want
There is nothing quite like having a roaring fire to snuggle down to in the deep of winter. They not only provide radiant heat, but they provide a particularly warm glow making you feel wonderfully relaxed and comfortable.
Unfortunately not everyone is able to have a real fire. In fact a large number of people live in accommodation where it is either impossible or impractical to have a real fire. For instance, many apartments simply do not have the structure to incorporate hearths and chimneys. The result is that they simply cannot install a fireplace.
In addition, having a real fire takes work. What sort of work? Well, the first thing is that they need a constant supply of fuel. Typically, fires use coal or wood to burn. But coal tends to be dirty and wood tends to be bulky. This fuel needs storage, and in the case of wood it often needs seasoning before it is dry enough to be burnt.
Assuming you have established a reliable supply of fuel and a suitable storage location you must still remember that the fire needs to be set each and every time you light it, it also needs cleaning up after a fire has burnt out. The chimney is likely to require sweeping every year in order to keep it clear and ventilating adequately. And finally, there are times when you want to warm up but just can’t be bothered to set the fire and wait until it has caught and begins to heat the room, sometimes as long as 30 minutes.
In short, having a real fire, pleasant as it might be, does in fact take a lot of effort. What’s the solution? Well, the solution may well be an electric fireplace.
An electric fireplace is essentially an electric heater that is enclosed in a case that is made to look like a conventional fireplace. Inside the case a variety of lighting techniques combined with mirrors create the effect of flames flickering as they would in a real fire. So an electric fireplace uses electricity to produce the heat you want while at the same time simulating the visual effect of having a real fire.
The very best electric fireplaces are really very convincing and do in fact look very much like a real fire. But, they also benefit from modern electrical controls. For instance, most electric fireplaces use thermostats to heat the room to your desired temperature. They can be controlled by timers and remote controls and some of the very best ones controlled by a smartphone app.
So, in summary an electric fireplace is a substitute for a real fire, where circumstances prevent a real fire from being practical. They can be purchased in a number of different styles, modern or contemporary, or traditional. They are capable, typically of heating a good sized room, but as with many more portable space heaters are unlikely to be able to heat the whole house. Electric fireplaces are a great, practical alternative to a real fire.
Are Electric Fireplaces Energy Efficient?
When considering the question of energy efficiency, you must really ask the question, “compared to what?” The reason for this qualification is that there is clearly going to be a difference between the energy efficiency of a traditional fireplace and the energy efficiency of a portable infrared space heater.
For the sake of argument we will assume that we are comparing with more traditional real fuel fires. This will keep the arguments simple and starker.
To address the question of energy efficiency we really need to consider the cost of heating your room. The lower the overall costs, all other factors being equal, the more certain we can state that the heater is energy efficient.
It is a well-known problem of traditional fireplaces that much of the heat generated is lost up the chimney and out of the home. In fact there are many estimates out there that suggest that up to 90% of the heat is lost outside. To put this in perspective, if you were to spend $100 on solid fuel for your fire, then you would in fact only benefit from $10, the remainder would be wasted.
Wood burning stoves or pellet stoves can significantly improve these figures as the burner is encased within a metal case. And this is definitely an option you can consider as an alternative to an open fire. See our article looking in detail at the best pellet stoves available at the moment.
Electricity on the other hand is one of the cleanest and cheapest sources of energy available today. In addition, the heat generated is felt immediately meaning that there is no fuel wasted as the fire gets up to the desired temperature. The cost of running an electric fireplace therefore can be very low. They provide heat when you need and want it, and when you don’t the fireplace costs nothing.
Overall, the cost of providing heat from an electric fireplace can be as little as 7-10c an hour. It is possible if you have a bountiful supply of wood on hand that the cost of a real fuel fire would be lower, but this will not be true for everyone, and overlooks the other problems of fires such as storage, cleaning and maintenance.
In summary, electric fireplaces use clean, cheap energy, they are extremely efficient at turning the electrical energy into heat and the only cost money when you use them. In our opinion, the from an energy efficiency perspective, the electric fireplace is by far the most energy efficient fireplace option.
The Benefits of an Electric Fireplace
Having a real fire is lovely. But in many homes completely impractical. If you don’t own your home, or you live in a condo in multiple occupancy housing you may not have the opportunity to install a fireplace, not to mention a chimney. Electric fireplaces are a really good alternative. They give you the opportunity to experience the effects of a real fire, ranging from soft gentle heat, to the flickering flames, but without any of the associated complexity of a real fire.
Let’s look at some of the benefits of owning an electric fireplace.
The Look and Feel of a Real Fire
Some electric fireplaces are so convincing in creating the look and feel of a real fire many people would not be able to tell the difference at first glance.
Obviously, cost is an issue here. If you are looking for a small portable electric fireplace in the shape of a stove or small fireplace insert then your electric fireplace may be adequate but not completely convincing. But at the higher end of the electric fireplace market you can get some fantastic fireplaces that look amazingly like a real fire.
Classic Flame and Dimplex are both suppliers of top of the line electric fireplaces. They make a range of fireplaces in a number of styles ranging from contemporary to traditional and with freestanding, inserts or wall hanging models. If you have the budget for it we recommend you check them out.
Little or No Maintenance
Anyone who has had a real fire knows the effort needed in order to keep it running. First there is sourcing the fuel. Wood has to be sourced, cut up and seasoned before being ready for the fire. Even if you have a good and reliable wood source, it still needs to be stored. Similar problems are experienced with coal, which has the added complexity of being dirty.
In addition to the problem of sourcing and storing the fuel the fireplace needs to be regularly cleaned, the chimney periodically swept and the fire set every time.
Compare this to the use of an electric fireplace. The fuel is electricity which is always available. The heater is simply turned on and the thermostat set at the required temperature. And that really is it. There is little to no maintenance, with it being limited to ensuring the vents are obstruction free.
So even if you live in accommodation that can have a real fire, an electric fireplace is often a clear winner from the value and convenience perspective.

Straightforward Installation
Perhaps the biggest obstacle in people’s minds to buying an electric fireplace is the cost and complexity of installation. But installation is surprisingly straightforward, even with electric fireplace inserts.
Freestanding electric fireplaces require no installation. They just need to be positioned in the room, plugged into the socket and turned on. Many electric fireplaces combine entertainment and media centers and look great.
Wall hung electric fireplaces are simple to install with brackets being attached to the wall in a secure location and then the fireplace fitted to the bracket.
Even electric fireplace inserts are not particularly difficult to install, the main complexity is if they are hardwired, which would require the services of a licensed electrician. But this is no more complex than if you need to move an electric outlet.
The point is that installation of most electric fireplaces is not as difficult as many believe.
Vent Free
Electric fireplaces are essentially electric space heater, either fan forced ceramic heaters or quartz infrared heaters. These do not produce fumes of any sort and as a result do not require venting.
Not having to install a vent means that your electric fireplace can be installed in a position that is ideal for you and you are not constrained by the positioning of a vent.
Electric Fireplaces are Energy Efficient
Energy efficiency is a particular concern of many householders. There are two factors to consider when thinking about buying an electric fireplace.
The first is that electric space heaters are very efficient converters of electric power into heat. This means that you benefit directly from the electricity supplied, and no more. In comparison the fuel efficiency of a real fire is much lower with estimates that up to 90% of heat generated from burning fuel being lost up the chimney.
Second, if you leave a room being heated by an electric fireplace, you can simply turn the fireplace off. If you intend to return then when you do you can simply turn the fire back on.
Compare this to a room in which a real fire is burning. If you are leaving the room and intend to return then it is likely you will have to stoke the fire with more fuel, place a guard around it and hope that it is still alight when you return. When you do return, the room will have been heated the whole time of your absence essentially wasting your fuel.
Electric Fireplace Safety
We examine electric fireplace safety below in more detail, but it is worth taking a little time to highlight the difference between the safety aspects of an electric fireplace and those of a real fire.
Clearly, real fires represent an ongoing hazard when in use. The fire should never be left unattended and unguarded. It should never be over fed with fuel in case anything falls out. The chimney or vent must be kept clear of blockages to prevent the risk of smoke billowing into the room or worse, chimney fires.
Electric fireplaces on the other hand are relatively benign in comparison. Most include auto-shut off features in the event that they overheat. Although they may get warm, modern infrared electric fireplace are rarely hot to the touch and so are far safer in households where there may be children or pets. Finally, there is no smoke or indeed any fume at all.
All in all, the management of risk in the use of electric fireplaces is far more straightforward than the risks of having a real fire.
There are two aspects to the cost argument.
First, the cost of installation. If you were to install a fireplace from scratch in a home the costs can run into many thousands of dollars. In comparison, electric fireplaces are relatively inexpensive to purchase and install.
Secondly, the cost of fuel for keeping a real fire running can add up quickly. Contrast this with running an electric heater. The electricity costs a few pennies an hour and the costs are only incurred when the heater is in use. Overall, the running costs of electric fireplaces can be significantly lower than those of a real fire.
There are other benefits, such as “all year round” use, and on-demand heating that you get from installing and using an electric fireplace, but hopefully by now you get the picture.
Types of Electric Fireplace
There are essentially four different types of electric fireplace. We will go through each one in turn.
Electric Fireplace Inserts
An electric fireplace insert is suitable for two situations. The first is that you already have a fireplace and fire surround, but want to replace the existing fire with an electric equivalent. The second is that you have a completely new site for your fire, and want to install a fire without having too much space taken up.
In essence an electric fireplace insert is simple a heater that when installed is inserted into a cavity in either the wall or in the space where an existing fireplace used to reside. The main bulk of the heater sits inside the cavity and is not visible. What is visible is an attractive fire front, with potentially flickering flames and a lovely warm glow.
Installed into the wall, making the heater very low profile.
Provide a very modern and comtemporary look.
Can be used to replace an existing fire.
Installation is a non-trivial task.
Due to their compact nature and attractive designs, these heaters tend to be more expensive.
The Mantel Electric Fireplace
These fireplaces come as complete units. They are intended to replace an existing fireplace and the surround. They incorporate the electric heater and include a fire surround. In effect they look very similar to a real fire, except they are not.
This type of heater is perfect for a completely new installation where the homeowner does not want to go to the trouble and expense of installing a fully fledged fireplace. In essence the mantel electric fireplace may be installed anywhere there is a blank wall and a nearby electric outlet.
Takes a lot of the worry our of installation as these are, in effect, self contained heaters.
There are a wide range of options for the look and feel of these heaters, ranging from the traditional to the ultra-contemporary.
These types of heater are at the more expensive end of the range.
Wall Mounted or Hung Fireplaces
An innovation that could really only come about due the convenience of electric fireplaces is the wall mounted electric fireplace. In essence, these are standalone heaters that are installed by attaching them to brackets that are fixed to a wall.
They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and designs and really represent the ultimate in electric fireplace flexibility. They can be mounted onto almost any wall and the only limitation is the need for a nearby electrical supply.
Perhaps not surprisingly, this type of fireplace is very popular due to the lack of complexity in installation and the variety of models available.
Great way to add that missing something to an otherwise ordinary room.
Wall hung and so has very limited space requirements in a room
Straightforward installation.
Some models are expensive, but there are many options available.
Electric Fireplace TV or Media Stand
One of the newer innovations is the combination of the electric fireplace with a media center or TV stand. This has the great benefit of combining two units which would otherwise each take up their own space, into a single unit, thus saving significantly on floor space while also providing an attractive room focal point, even when the television is turned off.
For all existing properties which may be struggling with existing furniture footprints this may well be a Godsend. And, since they have hit the space heater market they have been extremely popular.
This sort of fireplace can combine modern contemporary looks for your fireplace with the modern day living room focal point, the TV. Almost certainly a winning combination and may well, for many, be the best electric fireplace choice yet.
Clever way to combine two essential living room items.
An efficient use of space
Provides additional storage
At the more expensive end, these units can be quite expensive.
Factors To Consider When Buying A Space Heater

Electric fireplaces can easily be installed in the corner of a room
Heater Output
Electric Fireplaces range in size and heating power. They also range from standalone to installed inset fireplaces.
The first consideration you need to make is the size of the room. Knowing the size of the room allows you to evaluate the heater power you will need to comfortably heat it. As a general rule, a 1500 watt heater is capable of heating a 400 sq. ft. room to a comfortable level. This data point should help you determine what sort of power your heater needs to be drawing. Obviously the larger the room, the more powerful heater you will need.
Size and Location
You need to decide where within the room the heater will be best located. This will also help you determine size of the fireplace. Some electric fireplaces are large and will take up a good portion of a wall. You should ensure that the heater does not overly dominate as this will make staging the room with furniture difficult.
Some electric fireplaces are designed to fit into corners, so don’t always assume that you need a blank wall to locate your heater.
The range of products available in the electric fireplace market is considerable. Cost does to a large extent depend upon the exact type of fireplace you are looking for. Some standalone electric fireplaces are inexpensive, costing no more than $100. But at the high end, with very real effect fires combined with a TV center then you can easily pay over $1000. The choice is up to you.
In this article we try to give you a sense of the price point for each of our best electric fireplace choices. Use that information as a start point for further research. You should quickly be able to determine which models fit within your budget and which are too expensive.
Look and Feel

With the use of LED lights electric fireplaces look very real
A huge part of the decision to purchase an electric fireplace is to get the convenience of a conventional space heater while at the same time not giving up the look and feel of having a real fire.
Remember, if you are trying to make your home warm and welcoming then being able to turn on a heater and have a wonderful fire going very quickly is great. It should make you feel good and make you want to spend time in that room.
So make sure that when you choose your electric fireplace you choose a model that provides the most realistic fire that you can afford.
Fully Featured
In our opinion, why go to the trouble and expense of installing an electric fireplace if it doesn’t offer you the convenience of operating the way you want it to. We believe the heater should have the following features as a minimum:
Remote Control
Remote control will make the whole process of using your heater easy. We find that the remote control helps to ensure that you will turn the heater off when it is no longer required.
Light and Flame Settings
Some fireplaces allow you to change the fire effect. This is a reflection of the way a real fire might behave. As a real fire burns down, the glow tends to shift from a bright, flickering yellow glow, to a deep red pulsing glow. Some fireplaces allow you to do set your preferred light effect.
Timer and Programmable Thermostat
It is always useful to put your heater on a timer to ensure that you will not leave it running. For all the energy efficiency of modern space heaters, the cost will add up if you accidentally leave it on when you are not present or do not need it. This also applies to the temperature settings.
Common Questions about Electric Fireplaces
Can you place a TV over a mantel fireplace?
The short answer to this question is, yes. The risk with placing a TV on a traditional fireplace is that heat from the fire will cause damage to the TV. But with electric fireplaces the main heating method is either infrared or fan forced ceramic heating elements. Most such heaters heat without the casing being overly hot to the touch. This means that placing electronic items, such as a TV, is safe as there is no damage or fire risk.
One word of caution however. You should make sure that the surface is stable and the TV set is not too heavy. Although heat damage is unlikely you would not want the whole thing to become overbalanced or fall.
How large a room will my electric fireplace heat?
As a general rule, a modern space heater will comfortably warm a room with a floor area of around 400 sq. ft. This means that most rooms in all but the largest homes will be heated satisfactorily.
The power consumption of such heaters is usually 1500 watts with a heat output of around 5000 BTU’s. Heaters often have a low power setting which will consume less power and electric fireplaces often have a no-heat option which allows you to experience the look of the fire without actually providing any heat.
Are electric fireplaces really safe?
The simple answer to this is that any device generating heat needs to be operated with care.
However, having said that, modern space heaters with overheat and tip-over cut-outs, programmable timers and no longer having exposed heating elements, are generally far safer than they used to be and certainly a great deal safer than running a real fire.
Will the fireplace need any venting, or require a chimney?
No. Electric fireplaces do not burn fuel. Instead they use electrical power to heat an element, normally a quartz infrared element or a ceramic element. Neither of these elements give off fumes when heated.
The flames are not real and will not burn or require replacing. You could even install your heater upside down and it would still probably work just fine.
The only circumstance you may want to install a chimney is if you want your electric fireplace to look even more as though it is a real fire, with a real chimney. But this is not necessary.
Will I need to get a permit to install my electric fireplace?
Normally, no. But you should check your local electric installation regulations.
Unless your electric fireplace is hardwired to the electric output you will not need any permits to install the heater. If it is to be hardwired then we recommend you use a licensed electrical professional to ensure the work is carried out to an adequate standard.
Will my electric fireplace be energy efficient to operate?
Yes. Electric fireplaces are a great way to supplement the central heating system in your home. The reason for this is that they add an element of zone heating that would otherwise not be available.
Zone heating is where you heat one part of a house, but leave the rest of the house unheated. Only the more sophisticated and modern heating installations offer zone heating options. For this reason using an electric fireplace can make a lot of sense.
In general, space heaters, especially the infrared kind are extremely energy efficient. They provide instant heat when you want it and no heat when it is turned off. In addition, the convert almost all the energy consumed into heat (the flame effect does use some of the consumed energy) meaning that you rarely end up paying for electricity that is not benefiting you.
In any event, most modern home heaters on high power draw 1500 watts of power every hour. If you check your electrical bill you will see that the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour is only a few cents, meaning that running your heater for a few hours each day does not cost very much at all.
How easy will I be able to move my fireplace if I want to change its location?
If the heater is an inset heater then moving it will require disconnection from the power supply and the creation of a new cavity to which the heater will be placed. But as a general rule, as most electric heaters simply plug into a power outlet, moving them is straight-forward. Because no venting is required they can literally be positioned almost anywhere in a home and still operate successfully (safety first, remember).
How to Install an Electric Fireplace
There are essentially two types of installable electric fireplaces. We are ignoring the portable electric fireplace category as these are essentially the same as any other portable space heater.
The model of electric fireplace that most people identify is the electric fireplace insert. Clearly, as the name suggests, the main heater case is inserted into a wall or fireplace cavity leaving just the fireplace front facing outwards. Due to the potential for cutting, wiring and repairing this is the most complex type of electric fireplace installation
The second type of model requiring installation is the hanging electric fireplace. This type of electric fireplace is very similar to a large screen television, although some of these fireplaces are considerably heavier than conventional flat screen televisions.
Installing an Electric Fireplace Insert
The first thing to note is that this would rank as a moderately difficult do-it-yourself task, and you should consider getting some professional assistance to ensure you get the best result. All electric fireplace inserts come with manufacturers’ installation instructions and you should make sure that you read these through in detail before starting any installation work.
Selecting the Best Location
Electric fireplace inserts are heavy. They must be properly supported when installed otherwise they can be a significant safety hazard. To be properly installed they should be fixed to the studs, or supports behind the sheetrock. They should never be installed on a drywall.
You will also need to ensure that there is an electrical outlet close to the installation location. This should be located either below of off to the side of the fireplace insert as you do not want the heat emitted by the heater to directly affect the outlet. To be safe, it is recommended to use non-flammable outlet coverings.
Hardwire and Plugin Fireplace Inserts
Electric fireplace inserts are either plugin which have a standard 120v plug that is simply plugged in to the chosen electric socket. This is clearly the most straightforward electric installation, but will require a trailing wire to be visible. For this reason you can also choose a hardwire electric fireplace insert.
Hardwire electric fireplace inserts look significantly better than their plugin cousins, but of course they will need to be installed by a licensed electrician and this will add to the cost.
Cut the Cavity and Build a Frame
Use a reciprocating saw to cut through into the wall. Locate the supporting studs and build a supporting frame, based on the manufacturers’ size recommendations out of 2x4’s. Secure the frame to the studs.
Once in place you insert the electric fireplace unit into the frame, ensure that it is adequately level and secure with the screws and brackets provided.
Wiring the Electric Fireplace
As previously noted, we recommend for hardwire electric fireplace inserts you employ an licensed electrical professional.
However, in any event you must ensure that the connections you make are sound and properly insulated. You should also test the connection before turning the fireplace on, as you would not want to damage your insert due to errors.
Once you are satisfied that the installation is correct, we recommend you turn on the fireplace and go through the controls to ensure that the electric fireplace is fully functional.
Finishing Off
Once the electric fireplace is secured into the cavity, the wiring is complete and the heater has been tested and is fully functional you should now move to repairing any peripheral damage to the surrounding wall.
Installing a Hung Electric Fireplace
The installation process for hanging an electric fireplace is far simpler than that involved in installing an insert fireplace.
The key criteria here is to make sure that the brackets are secured properly to studs.
First you must locate the studs behind the drywall or sheetrock. The best way to do this is using a stud finder. This should save you from having to make a number of small holes in the wall as you attempt to locate the studs.
Once you have located the studs you can safely install the brackets that will hold the electric fireplace. Make sure you use the recommended screw length as you want to make sure that the screws are firmly secured into the studs behind and not just in the drywall surface.
Once the brackets are in place the electric fireplace can be attached. The fireplace can then be plugged into the nearest electric outlet and the fireplace heater is ready to go.
Final Points on Installing your Electric Fireplace
Modern electric fireplace heaters look great. There is no question about it. They can look contemporary, or traditional, whatever your particular choice is. They are relatively easy to install and once securely in position are able to provide energy efficient, low cost heat for your enjoyment.
Summing It Up

Electric fireplaces create the same atmosphere as a real fire
With the advent of realistic flame effects the electric fireplace has become a very popular alternative to a real fire. The reason for this popularity is clear. An electric fireplace can replace an existing fire, can be installed in apartments that have no chimney, require no venting, are very low maintenance, are energy efficient and very cheap to run.
You can choose from a wide variety of designs. You can get ultra-contemporary designs or you can get traditional looking stoves. You can choose the fireplace design that fits best in your home and all for a comparatively low cost.
Fuel for you electric fireplace is always available and the heater once installed requires almost no maintenance. You can operate the fireplace by remote control and can turn it off when not in use.
This brief recap should provide you with an excellent set of reasons why you will not regret choosing an electric fireplace for your home. We recommend you read our electric fireplace reviews and choose the best electric fireplace on the market for your home.
The post Best Electric Fireplace 2017 appeared first on Space Heater Pro.
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